The Impact of Remote Working on Employee Productivity and Wellbeing
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a seismic shift in the way we work. Remote working has now become normal for many employees around the world. But what’s the impact of remote working on employee productivity and wellbeing? We look at post-pandemic life in business and the rise of hybrid working models.
“Before the pandemic around 12% of the UK workforce worked at least one day from home. In September 2022, around 22% worked at least one day from home.”
UK Parliament
Returning to work in a post-pandemic era
There are many businesses that still have employees working remotely for some or most of the week. For many, the prospect of returning to the office creates mixed emotions. On one hand, some people miss the social interaction, as well as the separation of work and home life that an office environment provides. On the other hand, others have built the flexibility and autonomy that remote work offers into their everyday lives.
Productivity has become a contentious point in discussions about returning to the office. Some managers argue that office-based work fosters a structured environment that enhances productivity. Other employers, however, have seen greater efficiency, and employees working longer hours than they would have done when in the office.
“62% of employees feel more productive when working remotely” - Owl Labs and Global Workplace Analytics - 2022 Study
Pros and cons of working remotely
Remote working has pros and cons, which can influence and impact employee productivity and wellbeing, as follows:
Greater flexibility - remote working allows employees to enjoy a better balance between their professional and personal lives. People with caring responsibilities are better able to plan around their work commitments. This flexibility can lead to increased job satisfaction and improved wellbeing.
Less commuting - cutting out the daily commute to work can save time and fuel costs, increasing employee wellbeing. With more money and hours, people have more free time for exercise, relaxation, or spending quality time with partners or children.
Tailored workspaces - remote working often provides employees with more control over their working environment. They can tailor workspaces to suit their preferences and comfort to optimise productivity, such as chairs with extra posture support.
Wider talent pool - employers can access a diverse pool of candidates when location is not a limiting factor, potentially leading to more talented and skilled teams.
Experiencing isolation - working remotely can be isolating, leading to feelings of loneliness and disconnection from colleagues. Compared to being in the office, employees can easily turn to a team member to discuss problems or share ideas.
Avoiding distractions - home environments can be filled with distractions, from household chores to family members needing attention. Working remotely requires a certain level of discipline or such interruptions could hinder productivity.
Maintaining adequate work-life boundaries – this can be challenging when employees’ workspaces are within the home, potentially leading to burnout and decreased wellbeing. Ideally, employees should create a quiet workspace away from living areas, such as a spare room, so they can shut the door at the end of the day.
Hybrid working models
Recognising the advantages of both remote and office-based work, many organisations are adopting hybrid working models. This approach combines the best of both worlds, allowing employees to split their time between the office and remote locations. Considered as a type of flexible working, hybrid working could also be based on the number of hours worked. Employers could consider flexitime and compressed hours, as well as geographical location.
The success of flexible and remote working will depend on the industry. According to UK Parliament findings:
“People working in information and communication, professional, technical, and administrative industries are more likely to work at home compared to those in skilled trades and service occupations.”
For a hybrid working model to be successful, employers need to offer solutions that address some of the cons associated with remote work. By providing regular face-to-face interaction, you can reduce employee isolation and strengthen team dynamics. However, managers may need to learn how to manage remotely. As this is still a new way of managing, build in enhanced communication, both on an individual basis and across the team.
As an employer, you might need certain employees on call during non-office days, depending on the nature of the work, individual performance, and customer/client requirements. Additionally, look at ways to improve creativity and innovation when people are in the office environment.
Review contracts and your remote working policy
As well as reviewing remote working policies, employee contracts need to be clear about the expected location of work. Employment contracts should also include any specific conditions that might impact hybrid working.
The shift towards remote working offers flexibility and greater autonomy, but it can present certain challenges like isolation and blurred work-life boundaries. The rise of hybrid working models provides opportunities for employers to strike a balance between the advantages and disadvantages.
By setting boundaries, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and staying motivated, your employees can enjoy the benefits of remote working while staying productive. Employers need to offer a flexible approach, where possible, that considers the needs and preference of employees.
If you would like HR advice relating to remote working or employee wellbeing, please speak to us. Invictus HR offers retained HR services, ad hoc support and strategic HR projects.
If you would like guidance on flexible working or you need HR advice on another matter, please get in touch.