How to handle gender bias at work

Biases can be found in every area of our lives, including the workplace, where they can have a harmful impact if left unchecked. But what can be done to handle gender bias at work?

In recent years, some progress has been made, such as the increase of women in senior positions. But there is still a significant gender pay gap and a lack of representation of women in certain industries. It’s worth noting that gender bias does not just affect women; any gender can experience bias, especially transgender and those who are transitioning.

What is a gender bias?

Our brains are hardwired to put things in categories, which can lead to biases. This is our instinctive way of making sense of our complex world. The problem starts when biases lead to prejudices against others, which creates inequalities between different demographics.

Gender bias is when a person faces unfair disadvantages or benefits from unearned advantages because of their gender. Generally, a bias is formed due to preconceived notions people have about the expected roles of men and women. When one group is unfairly treated because of their gender, this can lead to discrimination.

Sex discrimination occurs when someone is treated less favourably because of their gender, transgender, or gender reassignment. This discrimination can be direct or indirect, and it can also lead to people feeling victimised and harassed at work.

·       Direct discrimination – when an employer treats an individual less favourably because of their gender or gender reassignment.

·       Indirect discrimination - when a policy or procedure seems neutral, but in practice this puts people of a particular gender, transgender, or gender reassignment at a disadvantage.

·       Harassment - when someone is subjected to unwanted conduct with the purpose or effect of violating their dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

·       Victimisation - when someone is treated less favourably because they have made or supported a complaint of sex discrimination or harassment.

Examples of gender bias in the workplace

Gender bias can manifest in various ways, such as recruitment, promotion and pay decisions. Here are three common examples found in the workplace:

Women are less competent than men

This idea is known as a ‘stereotype threat’. It can lead to women being passed over for job opportunities or promotions, even when they have the necessary skills and qualifications. The stereotype threat can also lead to women being undervalued and underpaid, even when they are doing the same work as their male counterparts.

Women will always have children

There is an assumption that women will want to have children and how this might impact their career progress. This assumption is unfair, as some women cannot or choose not to have children, and it can lead to discrimination under the Equality Act. As above, this is another ‘stereotype threat’ and can impact women’s opportunities.

Transgender people using toilets

A bias against transgender people could be insisting they use accessible toilets, rather than the one suited to their gender. This can happen when the business does not have gender-neutral toilets. The insistence of using certain toilets can create a hostile environment for transgender employees, leading to discriminatory behaviour.

How do managers tackle gender bias?

Under The Equality Act 2010, employers have a legal obligation to make sure their policies and procedures do not discriminate against employees or job applicants. There are nine protected characteristics, including gender, gender reassignment, maternity, sex, and sexual orientation.

To address gender bias at work, companies can take several steps. Managers could provide team training to raise awareness of gender biases. When employees are more informed, they will be better positioned to recognise and address any harmful biases. Such training should focus on the importance of treating everyone fairly and equally, regardless of their gender or any other protected characteristic.

Employers could offer mentoring and coaching to women and other underrepresented groups. This will help affected employees develop their skills and confidence to help them advance in their careers. Review company policies and procedures to promote diversity and inclusion, such as flexible working arrangements and family-friendly policies.

In conclusion, gender bias at work is a significant problem that continues to affect women and other underrepresented groups. Employers have a legal and ethical obligation to ensure they are taking the right steps to address any harmful prejudices in the workplace.

At Invictus HR, we can train your managers and teams on gender bias and unconscious biases, so they’re aware of the impact this can have on their colleagues. We can also mentor your managers so they can develop the skills to train their teams. Our experienced HR professionals can also provide you with guidance on diversity and inclusion strategies.

If you need HR advice on gender bias or another matter, please get in touch.



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