Unconscious Bias

The impact of unconscious bias in the workplace

People experience different biases every day, and many of these are unconscious due to how our brains are wired. The impact of unconscious biases in the workplace, however, can be devastating. At best, employees are left feeling disenchanted and at worst, they might feel compelled to make a discrimination claim. But how can you mitigate against a bias that is by definition ‘unconscious’?

What are unconscious biases?

An ‘unconscious bias’ is when we have an unconscious association about a person or group. Also known as an ‘implicit bias’, this is formed when you have a preconceived idea about someone due to certain characteristics. There are lots of ways people can hold an unconscious bias without even realising they have one.

Here are some common unconscious biases:

  • Race, religion or beliefs

  • Age, physical appearance or a disability

  • Gender including reassignment or sexual orientation

  • Marital or civil partnership status including pregnancy and maternity

  • Personality, preferences, views or opinions

  • Socio-economic status or life experiences

In the workplace, an unconscious bias could cause someone to be excluded. They might not be considered in a key business decision or invited to participate in a project, meeting or event. A common example is when someone applies for a job, and an unconscious bias has led to the employer deciding they are unsuitable.

When one person or group of people is treated differently, this can lead to discriminatory behaviours. The main difficulty is that by definition people are not aware they have any biases. Your brain may have been influenced by social stereotypes, personal experiences, your family upbringing or attitudes held by your peers. This is how we categorise and understand the world around us, but it can lead to negative, damaging perceptions.

The effect on inclusive workplaces

One of the biggest challenges when trying to create an inclusive workplace culture is the presence of unconscious biases. This type of bias results in a lack of objectivity and impartiality, which will affect team morale and the workplace culture.

The definition of inclusion is to treat everyone with the same level of respect and provide the same number of opportunities. Although outwardly people may appear supportive, unconscious biases can lead to a negative response or decision.

Employees may be unwittingly side-lined or not put forward for development or a promotion. Their opinions are less likely to be heard, leading them to feel disenfranchised and more likely to leave their job. As a result, companies could lose talented team members. They could also face an employment tribunal if the employee makes a discrimination claim.

A colleague could have an unconscious bias about someone in terms of their weight, shape, age, disability or a mental health issue. A typical situation is when someone makes an assumption, often unconsciously, about another’s personal preference on a matter. This assumption could lead to behaviours that makes this person feel excluded in some way.

Many people believe they are not racist or ageist, for example, until an unconscious bias affects their decision-making process. They may have unconsciously made a decision that would have resulted in a different outcome for someone of a different race or age. When biases cause prejudices, this leads to inequalities for different demographic groups.

Likewise, someone might also face an unfair advantage because of their race or age. This is known as an ‘affinity bias’. When it comes to recruitment, for example, people might be hired due to similar interests or because they are in a similar age group.

This is a challenge if you are an employer. Under The Equality Act 2010, you have a legal obligation to protect your employees and job applicants from any form of discrimination. But where there is an unconscious bias, people’s actions or response to a situation can be difficult to predetermine. So, how can you mitigate against negative preconceived notions?

Managing unconscious biases

Unconscious bias in the workplace creates ongoing challenges for employers, and ultimately, the employees who are impacted. Everyone has the right to be treated equally and fairly, regardless of any characteristic that could trigger an unconscious bias. When your teams understand what constitutes an unconscious bias, you can start changing people’s perceptions.

As an employer, the first step to address any potentially harmful prejudices is by raising awareness. You could create internal campaigns and run some team training sessions. This will help to develop more positive attitudes and behaviours, leading to a more inclusive workplace culture. Check your company policies and practices to make sure there are no potentially discriminatory elements. For more guidance, read our blog How to handle gender bias at work.

At Invictus HR, we can mentor your managers so they can raise awareness of unconscious biases more effectively. Our experienced HR professionals can advise you on suitable EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) strategies. We can also help you design, develop and implement new policies, so you stay fully compliant with the latest legislation.

If you need HR advice on unconscious biases or another matter, please get in touch.







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