BSL /Deaf Awareness
Deaf awareness in the workplace
When it comes to Deaf awareness in the workplace, many employers struggle to know how to support employees with hearing difficulties. As an HR practitioner I have interacted with many people with various disabilities. But it was my son, Luke, who at the age of 14 asked if he could learn British Sign Language (BSL).
Having brought my children up to respect the ability of people with disabilities, it made me proud that someone so young recognised the benefit of learning BSL. As an adult, Luke now uses his knowledge of BSL to provide a great service to his customers.
We learned BSL together in 2011, and although I am not the most competent signer, I was really struck by the fact that most people don’t have much knowledge of Deaf/deaf awareness. By learning to sign the alphabet, a whole world of communication opens. So, I would like to share a few of the things I have learned.
Deaf vs deaf
Did you know that Deaf with a capital ‘D’ refers to someone who has no hearing, whilst deaf with a small ‘d’ refers to someone with partial hearing?
Learning BSL
Learning BSL is like learning any other foreign language – don’t underestimate how hard it is. After three hours a week for 18 months, my son and I achieved Level 2, which is ‘conversational signing’.
BSL as a language
The structure of BSL as a language is different - for example, in English we would say ‘What is your name?’ in BSL you sign ‘Your name what?’. It is important to recognise that for a person whose first language is BSL, English is a second language. BSL does not use all of the words in the English dictionary; it is a more abbreviated language, so words like ‘is, it, am’ don’t exist.
Like any other person whose second language is English, it is common for written English to require significant development because the grammatical structure is quite different. There are also regional differences in BSL, so some words can be signed in a number of different ways.
Facial expressions and lip-reading
When you watch interpreters on TV or people signing to each other, you will notice the use of what a non-signer may think of as ‘over-exaggerated’ facial expressions. This is an integral part of communication for the Deaf/deaf community. As fascinating as it is to watch people signing, it’s worth remembering they are having a private conversation, so you’re effectively eavesdropping.
We all use facial and hand gestures when we speak; this is simply an extension of gesturing movement. By using expressions together with signs, it portrays emotions which are easy to read. Not all Deaf/deaf people sign; some rely solely on lip-reading and reading facial expressions.
Here are a couple of interesting things I learned about lip-reading:
Although obvious when pointed out, if you have a very thick, long moustache, it is very hard to read your lips because they are covered with hair.
If you shout (which serves no purpose!) your lips become a different shape, or if you mumble, you are not forming your lips in a way that people can read. Speak normally and clearly, as you would to a hearing person, and not in an exaggerated manner.
Using interpreters in the workplace
To become an interpreter you need to have a Level 6 (degree equivalent) qualification in signing and interpretation. With a Level 2, I can follow very little of what is signed on TV, and I would definitely not be able to interpret a discussion. I can, however, interact with people who use BSL, and I can always rely on using the alphabet when I get stuck.
Meeting with a Deaf person and an interpreter
If you have a meeting with a Deaf person and a BSL interpreter, you will need to allow at least twice as much time for the meeting. Think about when you go on holiday to a foreign country, and you need to explain to someone what you want. The other person needs time to translate what you’re saying, get an answer, and then translate it back. Signing and interpretation takes a lot longer than asking and receiving an answer.
Remember that your meeting is with the Deaf person; they should be your primary audience and not the interpreter. Obviously, you will need to seat the interpreter, so they have a clear view of the person they are signing with. The interpreter removes the communication barrier.
Interpretation is tiring. You will often see two interpreters playing ‘tag’ in a meeting or a presentation, averaging 20-minute slots each. So, if you are hiring an interpreter, bear in mind how long your meeting is going to be and whether you need more than one person.
Chairing a meeting with a Deaf person present
If you are chairing a meeting with a Deaf/deaf person present (with or without an interpreter) it is important to control the meeting. Make sure only one person speaks at a time, and the pace of the meeting allows for interpretation.
If there is no interpreter present, make sure the Deaf/deaf person has a pen and paper, so they have a way of fully participating in the meeting. If you buddy this person with a hearing person next to them, they can ask questions on their behalf to avoid them feeling excluded.
Learning to sign the Alphabet
When I was a child, I learned to sign the BSL Alphabet at Girl Guides, and I have never forgotten it. I strongly believe that every child (and adult) should learn this alphabet. Imagine if you were in a car accident and the first person to arrive on the scene is Deaf. You would instantly be able to communicate with them.
There are some great on-line tools to show you how to sign the alphabet and free sheets you can download and print from mobile phones. My challenge to you is to go on-line – learn to spell your name and get your family to learn to spell their names too. Put the BSL Alphabet on the fridge as a reminder. It is fun, rewarding, and great to use in noisy places too!
BSL – British Sign Language
The British Sign Language Act 2022 has just received Royal Assent. It recognises British Sign Language as a language of England, Wales and Scotland. It also requires the Secretary of State to report on the promotion and facilitation of the use of British Sign Language by ministerial government departments. This requires guidance to be issued in relation to British Sign Language. Visit for more information.
If you would like guidance on how to support Deaf/deaf employees in your workplace or advice on a HR matter, please call Tarnya on 07986 544 694.